Email Credentials with Lacy

Have you ever had scanner issues? One of our clients did and our tech, Lacy, jumped on the case. O365 uses credentials for each user’s account and passwords saved within your computer. The issue that can arise here is when the credentials expire.

O365 credentials will expire a password in 90 days, and when attached to a scanner you may be forced to change your password every 700 days. This is the problem our client faced. Our tech Lacy went to the IP of the scanner and updated the credentials and changed it to ‘never expire’. Our clients’ problems were solved for the long term, and all the employees’ emails and scans worked after that. What NetVPro recommends if you are going to change your credentials to never expire, is to have 2FA and a long and complex password set up for extra security.

One of the most common O365 issues revolves around sign-in difficulties including expiration. To stop yourself from having login issues, we recommend not sharing your credentials, clearing the cache and internet cookies, and updating your passwords. This can help avoid cyber criminals and password expiration which can cause unscheduled downtime.

Due to the work Lacy did with our client, she was thanked for having, “Quick response and complete resolve.” Sometimes routine issues get the best of us, but we strive to be there to help. Staying on top of the little things is part of what we do, allowing us to have just another day at the NetVPro office!

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