Microsoft Server 2012’s End of Life (EOL)
Once Microsoft Server 2012 officially reaches end of life (EOL) for extended support on October 10, 2023, you’ll be left without access to technical support, software upgrades, security patches, and bug fixes. Lack of extended support won’t only impact usability and stability; it will also significantly increase risks to your business from both a compliance and security standpoint.
When we say your usability and stability will be impacted, that means the storage of your data will be at risk. Without patches being updated Microsoft won’t be there to fix your server and you become vulnerable to being hacked. This directly affects your compliance as the biggest part of compliance is having all your devices up to date and patched. Without these patches there is the risk of losing your data and there is no compliance.
With October mere months away, you have some decisions to make. Should you migrate to newer, supported versions of Microsoft Server or should you consider an alternative option which would better match your long-term needs?
A newer, supported version of Microsoft server which could benefit you is their newest 2022 version. The only problem with making the 10-year jump from the 2012 to the 2022 version is compatibility. Check with your software vendor to make sure the software you are currently running is compatible with Microsoft 2022, or you may encounter lagging because the new version didn’t account for your software in testing. Compatibility is key, so it may be worth investigating the move to another version such as 2019 if 2022 doesn’t suit your needs. With 2012 reaching EOL moving to most any newer version would be beneficial if it supports your software.
An alternative option that can fully meet your long-term needs would be The Cloud. The Cloud has been rising in popularity since the late 90’s. It’s a data storage solution that is hosted on the internet. This solution can get rid of all your servers, be more cost effective, become safer security wise, and it is highly scalable. Adding on to the many pros of The Cloud, this solution can be relatively quick and easy to transfer, as well as generally being faster to retrieve data from compared to your physical server.
Which choice would be best for you? We understand the 2012 EOL can be a scary time, but acting quickly is better for your data than not acting at all. These solutions are what we recommend to keep your data safe, and as always if you need help making this transition, please give us a call.
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